Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Divorce in Islam

Divorce in Islam 

Matrimony and divorce are two basic elements of our family system. When two people get married, it is their utmost desire to stay in this relation forever. They genuinely wish to love, support and comfort each other through thick and thin. In this blessed relationship each partner is required to treat the other kindly and good-heartedly.

But sometimes, there does arise a situation where the husband and wife gets separated. There are too much differences between them that it is difficult to carry on this relationship. In such circumstances, Islam allows the husband and wife to get a divorce. Both life partners have an equal right to get separated if they do not want to live together anymore. The only difference is that a man divorces a woman while a woman has to ask for a divorce. Even though divorce is permissible in Islam, yet it is considered the most hateful act. Our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said: Allah did not make anything lawful more abominable to Him than Divorce. Of all the lawful acts the most detestable to Allah is Divorce.

When a husband divorces his wife, the wife is required to stay in his husband’s house for the period of her first three menstrual cycles i-e three months. This time period is called Iddat. Whereas for a pregnant woman this Iddat period is until the birth of the child. According to Holy Quran during this Iddat period.
The wife must stay in the husband’s house.

The husband should continue to pay for his wife’s necessities.

The wife should not hide her pregnancy.

If the husband changes his mind about giving divorce, then he can revoke his decision.

If a man still sticks to his decision even after the period of Iddat then his wife shall be considered a free woman. She has a right to marry any other man she wants to. During this separation period, it is unlawful for a husband to take back any gift or property given to her. Instead, he should give her something at this parting.

In the case that the husband takes back his decision during the Iddat period, the husband and wife do not need to re-marry. If the same situation arises second time where the husband intends to divorce his wife, then, according to the Holy Qur'an, he can use his right to do it again as well. If he wants to revise his decision once again, then the divorce shall be considered invalid and the two of them can live together as husband and wife. However, if the third time the divorce sentence is pronounced then the two of them will be separated permanently. In the words of the Qur’an: This divorce (in which the husband can revoke his decision in the Iddat period] is permitted twice only. (2:229)

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